Second Tuesday of each month, 7:00 PM
Fire Station Community Room
25 E. Main Street, Alexandria, Ohio
Fire Station Community Room
25 E. Main Street, Alexandria, Ohio
- 01/09/2024: Agenda / Meeting Minutes
- 02/13/2024: Agenda / Meeting Minutes
- 02/27/2024: Public Hearing Minutes
- 03/12/2024: Agenda / Meeting Minutes
- 04/09/2024: Agenda / Meeting Minutes
- 05/14/2024: Agenda / Meeting Minutes
- 06/11/2024: Agenda / Meeting Minutes
- 07/09/2024: Agenda / Meeting Minutes
- 07/30/2024: Special Meeting Minutes
- 08/13/2024: Agenda / Meeting Minutes
- 08/27/2024: Special Meeting Agenda
- 09/10/2024: Agenda / Meeting Minutes
- 10/01/2024: Meeting Minutes
- 10/08/2024: Agenda / Meeting Minutes
- 10/18/2024: Special Meeting Agenda
- 12/10/2024: Meeting Minutes
- 12/30/2024: Records Retention Minutes
- 01/03/2023: Agenda / Meeting Minutes
- 02/14/2023: Agenda / Meeting Minutes
- 03/14/2023: Agenda / Meeting Minutes
- 04/11/2023: Agenda / Meeting Minutes
- 05/09/2023: Agenda / Meeting Minutes
- 05/16/2023: Agenda / Special Meeting Minutes
- 06/13/23: Agenda
- 07/11/2023: Agenda / Meeting Minutes
- 07/11/2023: Agenda / Public Hearing Minutes
- 08/01/2023: Agenda / Meeting Minutes
- 09/12/2023: Agenda / Meeting Minutes
- 10/10/2023: Agenda / Meeting Minutes
- 11/14/2023: Agenda / Meeting Minutes
- 11/14/2023: Agenda / Meeting Minutes
- 12/12/2023: Agenda
- 12/28/2023: Agenda / Meeting Minutes
- Organizational Meeting: Meeting Minutes
- 01/04/2022: Meeting Minutes
- 01/11/2022: Special Meeting Minutes
- 02/08/2022: Meeting Minutes
- 03/08/2022: Meeting Minutes
- 04/12/2022: Meeting Minutes
- 04/26/2022: Special Meeting Minutes
- 05/10/2022: Meeting Minutes
- 06/14/2022: Meeting Minutes
- 06/21/2022: Special Meeting Minutes
- 07/05/2022: Special Meeting Minutes
- 07/12/2022: Meeting Minutes
- 08/04/2022: Meeting Minutes
- 09/13/2022: Meeting Minutes
- 10/11/2022: Meeting Minutes
- 11/08/2022: Meeting Minutes
- 12/13/2022: Meeting Minutes
- 12/29/2022: Meeting Minutes
2022 Legislation
- Res 2022-01 - Project Point of Contact
- Res 2022-02 Adoption of 2022 Comprehensive Plan
(Rescinded by Res 36-2022) - Res 36-2022 - Adoption of 2022 Comprehensive Plan
- Res 37-2022 - Adoption of Firefighter Position Profile
- Res 38-2022 - Authorization of New Zoning Resolution
- Res 39-2022 - Water and Sewer Planning